samedi 31 mai 2014


XMagazine is an new Blogger Magazine with responsive design and beautiful look. Is perfect choice for newspaper, magazine, editorial, personal blog etc… If you have a blog for news, is the ideal solution.



New icons for the admin panel [DLE 9.x - 10.x]

New modified icons for admin panel DLE 10.2. Installation: Simply replace the files engine / skins / images
Download ADMIN-ICON-DLE English -10.2.rar

vendredi 30 mai 2014

Module LinkEnso PRO 2.2 For DLE English

Module LinkEnso PRO 2.2

Module LinkEnso PRO 2.2 - visual relinking for DLE. Displays news block containing images, headers and text announcements with reference to the previous / next news site.

Features: Visual code generator to insert, setting the number of output units, the selection scheme and direction relink. Tweaking output headers, links, images, announcements. Tpl-use templates to build a list and a specific element.

Some settings module you should be known from the first version, if not, next to each item has a clue. But added new options to set the image source (full / short news or dop.pole) and cut short text announcement.

The module is still inserted into the template the full news fullstory.tpl using the tag:

{include file="engine/modules/linkenso.php?param1=value1¶m2=value2"}

Where param1 = - module option, value1 - the parameter value. Module settings after a sign? and separated by &.
Module parameters passed when pasting:

- Post_id - required parameter id with the current news, must have a value {news-id}
- Links - the total number of links displayed module
- Date - option to adjust the display order news
- Old - in the block will be displayed links to previous news
- New - in the block will be displayed with links to more recent news
- Ring - an option to lock or not to lock the ring relinking
- Yes - links will roll over, ie block "fresh" items (date parameter is set to new), you will see links to the first news website
- No - links will not roll over if it is not found fresh (date parameter is set new) or previous (date parameter is set to old) links, the module displays nothing
- Scan - relinking scheme or scanning depth categories to display links
- All_cat - relink will be used when all the news site from all categories
- Same_cat - when relinking news will only be used in the same category as the current
- Global_cat - when relinking news will only be used in the same category at the top level
- Parameters and same_cat global_cat have some important features when enabled "Enable multicategory site."
- Anchor - setting the anchor links in the
- Name - as the anchor name will be used by the news
- Title - as the anchor will be used filled field title news
- Title - title attribute output setting links
- Name - as the title of the link will be used filled field title news
- Title - as the title of the link will be shown as news
- Empty - does not apply to add a title attribute to the code reference
- Image - the principle of the image output of the news
- Full_story - as an image will be used the first picture of the full news
- Short_story - as an image will be used first picture of Newsflash
- 'Extra. field '- you must specify the name of an additional field containing the url of the image that will be used
- Limit - the number of characters you want to trim the full and brief description of the article to display the announcement

As I mentioned above, now has a module tpl-templates, two of them - linkenso_link.tpl and linkenso_list.tpl - the first is intended to form a single element for the block, the second is simply a container that contains the elements.

Template tags are used appropriately:
linkenso_list.tpl - common template module, which "wraps" the list of references
{Links} - the main part of the template tag - displays a list of links
linkenso_link.tpl - output pattern from the list of articles, supports the following tags
{Link} - displays a link to the article according to the settings of the module
{Anchor} - displays the contents of the anchor according to the settings of the module
{Title} - displays the contents of the title links according to the settings of the module
{Short-story} - displays the contents of a short film, adjusted for the html and cropped according to the module's settings
{Full-story} - displays the full content of an article, refined from html and cropped according to the module's settings
{Image} - displays the path (src) to the image according to the settings of the module
[Link] [/ link] - a block of tags, which can be placed between any content and use it as a reference
[Show_image] [/ show_image] - a block of tags, which can wrap the tag {image}. The contents of this block tags will be displayed only if the picture is displayed.
Installation of the module:

- Unpack the module;
- Copy the contents of the folder uploads (except / templates /) to the server;
- Contents of the folder upload / templates / Default / put in a folder of your template;
- Run and follow the instructions;
- Remove a file from the server linkenso_installer.php;
- Go to the admin panel, select the module LinkEnso, generate the code;
- Open / templates / {THEME} / fullstory.tpl and paste in the right place the generated code.

Removing the module:

- Download the file linkenso_uninstaller.php by the server in the folder where you installed DLE;
- Run the file and follow the instructions;
- Remove all module files downloaded during the installation;
- Do not forget to delete the file linkenso_uninstaller.php.

Update module:

- Download the new version of the module from the page
- Unpack the module.
- Copy the contents of the folder upload (except linkenso_installer.php and folder / templates /) on your server, answering "yes" to the questions your FTP-client to replace the existing files.

Version DLE: 8.2-10.x
Author: Alaich
Pass Unrar:

Download Module LinkEnso PRO 2.2 For DLE English

jeudi 29 mai 2014

MADISON Template For DLE 10.2 English

MADISON For DLE 10.2 English

Great wildcard Madison for DLE 10.2  English with a good design and layout adapted specifically for dle the latest version and for its normal operation without errors , it is recommended to install only on DLE 10.1. Subject template universal and may well serve as a template for any website. Subject Madison universal template , although originally was made to any site, but in the process of finalizing the template were only some icons that you can always remove or change . Template design is such that any relation to subject matter or style is not, and this allows him to adapt pretty quickly at the desired theme of the site . Design Generics Madison quite bright, and has a great layout and excellent study design. When testing in different browsers showed good work , even in older versions.
Template Type : Original
Version DLE: 10.1/10.2
Tested : IE, Firefox, Opera
Options: template instruction modules
Size : ~ 1,6 Mb
Password Unrar :

Download MADISON Template For DLE 10.2 English

The structure of the template files:

BBCodes / (files bbcode-editor)
blockpro / (pattern files module Block.Pro.3)
CSS / (CSS-styles template)
dleimages / (standard images dle)
ICOMM / (module template iComm 6)
Images / (template image)
includes / (all plug. tpl-afqks template)
JS / (JS-script template)
. Tpl-template files

Navigation menu:

Is in the file includes / topnav.tpl
To illuminate the current menu item, use code like this:

  • link

  • link

  • link

  • where 9,8,10 - ID categories in which lighting required item.

    Slide shows with the aid of the module and Block.Pro.3 podkyuchaetsya through file includes / slider.tpl
    In order to set your own output parameters slider - use the generator module connection strings The original connection string:
    {include file="engine/modules/blockpro/"}
    Block best posts this month:

    Is in the file includes / topposts.tpl and as output module Block.Pro.3
    When configuring the connection string yourself do not forget that this unit uses a template blockpro/top3.tpl , and hence the connection string must be present here such variable: & template = blockpro/top3
    The original connection string:

    {include file="engine/modules/blockpro/

    dimanche 18 mai 2014

    YouMOBO for DLE 10.2 English

    YouMOBO Template for DLE 10.2 English

    If you hit the spot this template, you can use the site search . During check on the performance of this design in popular browsers pattern showed good results. We , in turn, is strongly suggested to perform the updates on their own resources , as neglecting this necessary operation , you could be compromised by hackers , as well as losing access any information that has been published on your site.
    Quite an interesting aesthetic pattern youMOBO DLE produced specifically for the design studio Woqer Web Studio. This time the product was created specifically for the torrent tracker , which uses the tracker as the newest version of the script DLE. Development is strongly reminiscent of past work designers Woqer Web Studio. YouMOBO template for DLE has trehkolonchatuyu structure , which gives the webmaster the opportunity to experiment and do not limit yourself to the idea. Fortunately, the side columns you can contain a lot of additional and necessary modules.

    Fortunately youMOBO for DLE 10.2 made ​​in color design . Dark green , which is combined with white. Clear that the developers did their best before the release . Note the layout and quality . It really is valid and clean. This may explain why so fast loading site , even in low internet. As for the template youMOBO, then the general form template does not cause negative thoughts , on the contrary , encouraged glaz.Dovolno decent template designed for DLE 10.2 studio Woqer Web Studio. Quite unique because it uses brown as the primary , which is quite rare. In the template, there is nothing superfluous in terms of graphics , but it's even dignity, because his job template does attract attention. Headers , cap and general background decorated in shades of brown , added a bit of gray for a change , the text is on a white background. Template structure is well suited for a personal blog or news portal .
    Author : Woqer Web Studio
    Template Type : Original
    Version DLE: 10.1/10.2
    Tested : Opera, IE, Firefox
    Options: Once the template
    Size : ~ 1,2 Mb
    Password Unrar :

    Download YouMOBO Template for DLE 10.2 English