mardi 30 septembre 2014

MYANDROID Template For DLE 10.3 English

MYANDROID Template For DLE 10.3 English
MyAndroid template for DLE 10.3 English is designed primarily for mobile site or any other site. In principle, the pattern is universal and a little upgrading can be applied to almost any website. Introducing the attention light and strong pattern of mobile themes. Among the advantages should be noted that the design is not overloaded with multiple graphic elements. Pretty universal template suitable for analytical portals and firms serving the computer technology. A good choice for the individual user as well as for a successful company. Nothing extra on the page, you will no longer find. MyAndroid template for DLE 10.3 justifies its name, it is extremely simple and unobtrusive. However, in this lies its features and all the zest of a template. For now, web developers are struggling to outdo each other, creating more and more unexpected solutions, designer and programmer moves. However SanderArt, so known for its innovative approach, has decided to focus on the conciseness, rigor and simplicity.
Author: SanderArt
Template Type: Original
Version DLE: 10.3-10.1
Tested: IE, Opera, Chrome, Mozilla
Options: template, logo, fonts, user
Size: ~ 635 Kb

Download MYANDROID Template For DLE 10.3 English

To install, copy the desired folder in the directory of the templates on your server where the system is installed DLE. Then adminpaneli select desired template. Remember that this folder and all subfolders you want to assign rights CMOD 777 and all files - CMOD 666.

In the administration panel, create a separate category to which add the news with SEO-text for your site (shown to the right of the logo). Name of the news does not matter. Next, locate the file main.tpl
<div class="seotext">
{custom category="1" template="about" aviable="global" from="0" limit="1" cache="no"}

and instead of 1 indicate the number of categories created. Text will be displayed only the latest news (and therefore create a separate category).
In block
<div class="banner1"> <!-- Paste the code below the banner -->


You can insert a banner size 468x60.
To add an item in the horizontal menu with drop-down list to locate the file structure of the form main.tpl

<li><a href="#">Wallpapers</a></li>

and insert the same, where # - full link address and Wallpapers - its title (title).
For drop-down list:

<li class="drop"><a href="#" class="link1">Aplication</a>
<li><a href="#">Internet</a></li>

Near the main blocks are signature to facilitate the understanding of the structure of the main page.
In the design of the form
{custom category="40" template="custom-1" aviable="global" from="0" limit="14" cache="no" order="date"}
indicate the number of categories to display (category = "40"), the number of output news, you can also change (limit = "14"). Room categories inscribe pairs for each block applications, games, etc. If you specify 7 news, there will be a number of 1, 14 News - 2 rows, respectively.
The files and main.tpl offline.tpl in rows

<li><a href="#" class="twitter" title="Twitter" target="_blank"></a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="facebook" title="Facebook" target="_blank"></a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="vkontakte" title="Vkontakte" target="_blank"></a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="gplus" title="Google Plus" target="_blank"></a></li>

insert links to pages on social networks.
Also create 4 additional fields with the required name and type:
info - a few lines (for more information about the content - year, file size, version of the game, etc.);
download - one line (for the hyperlink to download the file, such
qr - a few lines (for the qr-code image to be inserted as an image with the tag [img] in the editor);
shots - a few lines (for screenshots, images are loaded via the editor using the tag [img], the picture size in this field will be automatically reduced to a width of 134 pixels., the aspect ratio preserved). When downloading images, use left alignment, but between them, do not leave interline transfer, but just one picture after the other without a space.
For all the fields you specify "if you want to use (you can leave this field EMPTY)."
When you add the news poster-image and publication add to the brief / full news and additional information about the bundled download content - in an additional field of info (if necessary).
If you have any questions, please contact by ICQ 382843510 or email

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