mardi 29 décembre 2015
Dark Button Navigation CSS 3 - DLE English
Very easy menu for dark patterns on pure CSS + a picture. The total "weight" menu, only 16 kb!
Download modal window with a time delay - DLE Eglish
This hack allows download files (Attachment) of the modal window with a time delay. The archive is ready file to overwrite.
- Open engine/modules/functions.php and find
$tpl->compile( 'attachment' );
$replace_1[] = $tpl->result['attachment'];
$tpl->result['attachment'] = str_replace( $row['name'], "\1", $tpl->result['attachment'] );
$replace_2[] = $tpl->result['attachment'];
$tpl->result['attachment'] = '';
$replace_1[] = "<div class="DownLoadWindow">
<div class="quote">
<a href="#" onclick="showDownLoad(); return false;">Download <b>{$row['name']}</b></a>
<div id="DownLoadWindow" title="Download {$row['name']}" style="display:none;" >
<table id="timer_1" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"><tbody><tr>
<td>Download will be available through:</td>
<td id="timer_num"></td>
<div style="display:none" id="timer_2">
Name: <b>{$row['name']}.</b><br /><br />
Size: <b>{$size}.</b> <br /><br />
Downloads: <b>{$row['dcount']} time.</b> <br /><br />
<a href="{$config['http_home_url']}engine/download.php?id={$row['id']}{$area}" >Download <b>{$row['name']}</b></a></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
timer_num = 15;
function timer_fc(){
setTimeout("timer_fc()", 1000)
$('#timer_1').hide(); $('#timer_2').show();
function showDownLoad() {
width: 420,
buttons: {
"Close window" : function() {
$replace_2[] = "<div class="DownLoadWindow">
<div class="quote">
<a href="#" onclick="showDownLoad(); return false;">Download <b>{$row['name']}</b></a>
<div id="DownLoadWindow" title="Download {$row['name']}" style="display:none;" >
<table id="timer_1" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"><tbody><tr>
<td>Download will be available through:</td>
<td id="timer_num"></td>
<div style="display:none" id="timer_2">
Name: <b>{$row['name']}.</b><br /><br />
Size: <b>{$size}.</b> <br /><br />
downloads: <b>{$row['dcount']} time.</b> <br /><br />
<a href="{$config['http_home_url']}engine/download.php?id={$row['id']}{$area}" >Download <b>{$row['name']}</b></a>
<script type="text/javascript">
timer_num = 40; // The number of the delay in seconds
function timer_fc(){
setTimeout("timer_fc()", 1000)
$('#timer_1').hide(); $('#timer_2').show();
function showDownLoad() {
width: 420,
buttons: {
"Close window" : function() {
Where in a row (timer_num = 40; // The number of the delay in seconds), specify the time delay
- In any file style.css (if this is not possible in any CSS file) at the end of file add:
#timer_num {width:70px; height:70px; background: url('../images/timer.gif') no-repeat; text-align:center; font-size:36px; color:#666}
-Throw timer.gif file in the images folder of your template.
lundi 28 décembre 2015
DLE button cleaning the cache on all pilgrims admin
Introducing hack dle button cleaning the cache on all pilgrims in the admin panel, allows you to display the button clear the cache on all pages of the admin panel. Setting clearing the cache on all pages of the admin panel
Open the file /engine/skins/
Below add
To find
Below insert
Author: yackers version DataLife Engine: DLE 10.2 and above for example on Dle 10.5
Open the file /engine/skins/
<div class="action-nav-normal action-nav-line" style="display: inline-block;">
<div class="action-nav-button nav-small" style="width:180px;">
<a href="{$PHP_SELF}?mod=editnews&action=list" class="tip" title="{$lang['edit_news']}">
<i class="icon-edit"></i>
<span class="triangle-button blue"><i class="icon-pencil"></i></span>
Below add
<div class="action-nav-normal action-nav-line" style="display: inline-block;">
<div class="action-nav-button nav-small" style="width:120px;">
<a id="clrbtn" class="tip" title="{$lang['btn_clearcache']}">
<i class="icon-trash"></i>
<span class="triangle-button red"><i class="icon-remove"></i></span>
To find
$skin_footer = <<<HTML
<!-- maincontent end -->
Below insert
<script type="text/javascript">
$('#clrbtn').click(function() {
$.get("engine/ajax/adminfunction.php?action=clearcache", function( data ){
$('#cachesize').html('0 b');{
title: '{$lang[p_info]}',
text: data
return false;
Author: yackers version DataLife Engine: DLE 10.2 and above for example on Dle 10.5
Template uCoz English Theater Kinobar (moviebar)
Template theater Kinobar for uCoz english |
Very nice and nice looking pattern on the theme of the movie online. With the installation template is nothing complicated, the template is very attractive.
In the archive you can find all the necessary files to install the template.
The modules are used:
Global blocks
File Catalog
In your File Manager contains folders with graphics. There is also a file constructor for convenient installation template to the site. And of course a file with styles is also present.
mercredi 16 décembre 2015
Templates Grunge Film For DLE 10.6 English
Grunge Film For DLE 10.6 |
Grunge Film for DLE is a movie-themed template for normal operation template advise you to upgrade to the latest version of the engine DLE, because it is adapted exclusively for it.
Template Type: Original
Version DLE: 10.6
Tested: IE, Firefox, Opera
Options: template, psd sources, instructions, fonts
Size: ~ 2,9 Mb
vendredi 4 décembre 2015
Template Premium Blog on uCoz English
A great template for a system uCoz, made carefully and in bright colors. This template is perfect for running your own blog on any subject. And if we make adjustments to the design, you can adapt to anything. This template uses only one module: "Catalog Files". But to adapt and other modules will not be difficult, simply by copying the code module catalog of files and pasted to another.
The archive with the pattern present a constructor that simplifies installation in the extreme. Also in the archive is the HTML version of the template.
jeudi 3 décembre 2015
25 Best Libraries for Custom Web Animation
From SVG to CSS3 and modern jQuery, website animation is here to stay. What was once considered an excruciating task has now become more forthright and easier to manage than ever before.
Developers also love to share their work and improve the quality of websites across the globe. These particular libraries focus on animating dropdown menus, sliding elements, parallax content and even typography. Best of all these are 100% open source and free to use on as many projects as you see fit.
CSS Shake
Sweet Alert
Developers also love to share their work and improve the quality of websites across the globe. These particular libraries focus on animating dropdown menus, sliding elements, parallax content and even typography. Best of all these are 100% open source and free to use on as many projects as you see fit.
CSS Shake
Sweet Alert
Module SimpleBB 2.1 Dle English
Module 2.1 SimpleBB - a module for creating a full-fledged online site running CMS DataLife Engine 10.3. The main difference between the module from the engine now that the module uses a common database of users and is tightly integrated with the engine DLE.
The module is designed for offline SimpleBB dle simplebb Default theme is ready for use. Module with lateral threads have been made several improvements. Topics icons used in the library is used to fontaweso, library integrated into the file CSS. For this reason, download and install the module from the page GitHub will be beneficial to you.
You have the flexibility to design a theme and in order to be able to easily integrate into their own theme with a separate file CSS, we have developed so that you can put the block left or right.
10.6 adaptations have been made and some parts have been rewritten.
Selected story and a complete set of templates has been made for the category admin panel.
Forums were made necessary amendments to the end of the last extension.
Moderation for approval has been made to correct the error.
To appear in the Subject Content error has been corrected.
Adding to the form sub-forum was held TPL file.
After adding back the transaction at issue was set to go to the link to the forum.
The style has been agreed and fixed several minor bugs.
What's new SimpleBB 2.1 of 10/13/2015:
- 10.5 and 10.6 have been adapted and rewritten some details.
- Source language file was passed to use.
- System Settings Admin panel on the left on the page.
- SQL optimization option is the default, and are removed from the admin panel.
- Custom template files to display and add comments to a user forum support added.
- Editing operations decreased and were made to optimize the code.
- Added the ability to see the sub-forums in the category.
- Arrangements were made with the default theme.
General comments:
Forums by category and subcategory of the depth is set to 2. 1 category for depth, depth of 2 call the forum.
The hierarchy thus: simplebb> Categories> Forums> Topics
The theme of the template file with the same sequence [Depth = 1], [Depth = 2], [Depth = 3], [depth = 4] were determined.
DLA uses a system of categories, which can make all the preparations for.
Operating System
We select major categories, one for the forum. This category has sub-categories, which define a special .TPL.
Only Homepage /forum/*.tpl files in the theme to use.
When you select a category to access the topics of the forum, the forum gathered by the system will be listed instead.
Using subdomains
Simplebb supports subdomain. However, the measures were necessary management and SEO.
Using the subdomain subdomain included all forums entered into links automatically redirected to a subdomain.
Orientation, etc. Errors that may arise in connection with the canonical link has been identified. Thus, each subject in the forum of the canonical metadata will be available.
It is necessary to do additional steps:
Htaccess file, you must add the code (for example, use DLE.NET.T. "Forum" was written for the subdomain.)
# Forum redirect
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^$ index.php?do=cat&category=forum [L,NC]
DLETR.CO spelling for example.
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ [NC]
After that, you must additionally create a subdomain with CPanel.
Stages and not indexed by search engines against the possibility of problems. Dynamic add a subdomain subdomain, rather than just going to use. If this subdomain will use the same name for the category, use the forum.
SQL Optimization
Previously, the system was reduced by too many requests. Total is ready to house 2-3 requests. Global variables collect information about categories of aid.
Setting up:
- You must remove the previous version. (V1.0-beta users only)
- Your site before you begin the installation, we recommend that you yedekeleme.
- Create categories in order to be used for the forum.
- Determined for each information online and enter the custom template files. Please specify exactly the part of the following templates.
- If all the categories of the forum and set completely. Now all files are available for download to your site with the installation.
- Run for install_module.php installation. XML configuration is done automatically with the system. Thus, all the files belonging to the system and archive files for the original installation / backup / directory is stored.
- Immediately after the installation by entering the admin panel "System Settings" are available.
- If you use a subdomain found in the description above then activate the "Enable Subdomains" Please read and take the title.
- How can you get access to any of the categories on your site / forum you can get. (If you appear at the forum, which URL.
- Main.tpl file by opening the plug at the top of your topic, add the following code:
[forum]<link media="screen" href="{THEME}/forum/css/simplebb.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />[/forum]
Update (v1.0 => v1.1):
* Do not install the unit eliminating the hassle will be your choice. But if you can not put the next step.
* All to copy the files, perform a typical installation.
* If you want to install the system to delete / backup directory, open the backup file, which is downloaded to your site enough.
Templates and Tags:
Forum is working in total 4 .tpl file.
main.tpl, stats.tpl and post.tpl selected for each forum, threads.tpl files.
[forum: main] Forum Homepage [/ forum: main]
[forum: cat] Category page [/ forum: cat]
[forum: forum] Home Forum [/ forum: forum]
[forum: inside] Category page or forum [/ forum: inside]
[forum: thread] page topics in the forum [/ forum: thread]
[forum] on any page of the forum [/ forum]
{forum-stats} : Forum statistics ( forum/stats.tpl changed from the template )
{category echo="id"} : the current category ID (show.short page will not work)
{category echo="name"} : The current name of the category (show.short page will not work)
{page-title} : show.full in the page header ({name}) can be used instead.
{count_all} : Category pages that are categorized article shows that many
{user-group} : is a group of people show.full. Panel displays with the specified style.
{avatar} : show.full pulls the URL in the user's avatar.
{user-group-icon} : user group icon in show.full.
{forum-cats} : forum was available in custom subcategories s list
Extensions are used: Application number 163, application number 45, number 41 Appendix
addpost.tpl used tags
addpost.tpl addnews.tpl image file may be the same, but you need to cancel a category.
This template can be used to tag the file, select {cat} is the name of these categories:
- English / English: DLEStarter
- Russian / Russian: mrb4el and Corsair
- Ukrainian / Ukrainian: Corsair
v1.0, DLE 10.2, 10.3
v1.1, DLE 10.2, 10.3
v2.0, DLE 10.5
v2.1, DLE 10.5, 10.6
Version DLE: 10.2-10.5
Developer: Mehmet Hanoglu
Design: Kadir Hanoğlu
Languages: English, Russian, Ukrainian
License: MIT License
GitHub SimpleBB
mardi 1 décembre 2015
Top 30 CSS3 code generator
Another super-duper selection of online tools to generate CSS3 code for web developers.
1. CSS3 Generators
2. Create CSS3
3. CSS3Pie
4. CSS 3.0 Maker
5. CSS3.Me
6. CSS3 Gradient Generator
7. CSS Border Radius Generator
8. Border Image Generator
9. CSS Sprites
10. CSS3 Button
11. CSS Arrow Please
12. CSS3 Button Generator
13. CSS3 Tricks Button Maker
14. CSS3 Gradient Generator
15. CSS3 Gen
16. CSS3 Menu
17. Layer Styles
18. CSS3 Patterns
19. Gradients
20. CSS3 Color Names
21. CSS3 Please
22. CSS3 Click Chart
23. Ultimate CSS Gradient Generator
24. CSS3 Rounded Corner Generator
25. CSS3 Multi Column Generator
26. CSS3 Radius and Box Shadow
27. 3D CSS Text Generator
28. CSS Layout Generator
29. Blue Printer
30. Ceaser
1. CSS3 Generators
2. Create CSS3
3. CSS3Pie
4. CSS 3.0 Maker
5. CSS3.Me
6. CSS3 Gradient Generator
7. CSS Border Radius Generator
8. Border Image Generator
9. CSS Sprites
10. CSS3 Button
11. CSS Arrow Please
12. CSS3 Button Generator
13. CSS3 Tricks Button Maker
14. CSS3 Gradient Generator
15. CSS3 Gen
16. CSS3 Menu
17. Layer Styles
18. CSS3 Patterns
19. Gradients
20. CSS3 Color Names
21. CSS3 Please
22. CSS3 Click Chart
23. Ultimate CSS Gradient Generator
24. CSS3 Rounded Corner Generator
25. CSS3 Multi Column Generator
26. CSS3 Radius and Box Shadow
27. 3D CSS Text Generator
28. CSS Layout Generator
29. Blue Printer
30. Ceaser
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