mardi 12 janvier 2016

Templates CinemaLibrary For DLE 10.6 English

Templates CinemaLibrary For DLE 10.6 English

Simple and easy to use template for DLE English CinemaLibrary entitled movies online, template contains just the right visitor, nothing is not overloaded, nice color pattern, the ability to change the background to any movie. The fact is that if the user initially look for any movie or simply for entertainment information. The template can be easily put on sites with themes cinema portal, gaming, in order to design a template allows you to do this. An excellent example could serve as a template for CinemaLibrary DLE 10.6 themes of the movie.

Template Type: Original (Adaptive)
Version DLE: 10.6
Tested: Opera, Mozilla, IE, chrome
Options: Only the template
Size: ~ 1 Mb

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