mercredi 23 novembre 2016

Template Blockpro v2 for DLE 11.1 English


Universal template Blockpro v2 for DLE 11.1 English is the visual processing of the previous template, and then the same amount of high quality and made with him the same way it will be pleasant to work with. If you want to create a website on the subject of business, you can realize your idea. This goal will also serve the selected content management system DataLife Engine provides high stability and comfort in the management, as well as comfortable and modern design, pleasing the eye and not distracting from the main content of the site. Lovely pattern stands out from the rest on the subject of which is by the way, is almost universally pleasant and unusual design, there is still a thematic neutrality, but is guaranteed to catchy to the user. In this template, no extra components, but all the most necessary elements and buttons. On the template you can create a website on the theme of entertainment

Author: Unknown
Template Type: RIP
Version DLE: 11.1
Tested Opera, IE, Mozilla, Safari, Chrome
Size: ~ 250 Kb

Download Blockpro v2 for DLE 11.1

File Template For DLE 11.1 English

Template- DLE 11.1-English

Undoubtedly, this is one of the best templates for the game themes. Very colorful colors Template File Template attracts attention and will not leave indifferent any webmaster. I am glad that the template is not built on a single game, this is a big plus because it is suitable for any games. By the way, we've adapted it for DLE version and tested in all popular browsers, and can be no doubt about the correct operation. If you are still not updated, you will need to upgrade or make adaptations File Template Template for DLE 11.1 in the reverse order. The advantage of this is, of course, because this method of removal of information is sure to attract attention to the site. An excellent example could serve as a template for a game.

Layout: mixed
Width: fixed, 1000px
Version DLE: 11.1
Tested on: IE7, IE8, Mozilla, Opera, Google Chrome, Safari
Options: template, PSD logo and font

Download File Template  For  DLE 11.1

User guide on setting up a template

Template  FileTemplate
1) Setting the template:
- Uploading a folder template to a site in the templates folder
- Set for injected folder template write permissions (CHMOD 777)
- Install all files in the folder with the template write permissions (CHMOD 666)
- Choose a setting in our template engine.

2) To use a template need 2 additional fields:
To begin, open the admin site, go to the List of all the sections, additional fields of news
Select "Add new field" (right)

Golf screenshots:
Field Name - Scrinlist
Field description - Screenshots
Category - All
Field type - a few lines
Tick ​​- Use if desired

Golf links to download:
Field Name - Download
Field description - Download
Category - All
Field type - a few lines
Tick ​​- Use if desired

3) Bone or how to configure template
Conclusion of news on the home page is implemented through a special tag {custom}
{custom category="1" template="template" aviable="global" from="0" limit="6" cache="no"}

Category = "1" - a unit of this category id from which the news will be displayed (you can perecheslyat multiple comma-separated - you need id can be seen in front of the category admin)
template = "template" - a pattern of appearance (no need to change)
aviable = "global" - display in all sections (do not need to change)
from = "0" - from which the account news output
limit = "4" - number of news
cache = "no" - or not to use the cache (recommended value to reduce the load on the server - yes)

We find in main.tpl desired block and stamped category id. It is necessary to specify id the one category in which there is news. If you want to conclude the news of the parent category, you need to list all the sub-categories separated by commas.

4) Soc. network
Open file /js/shareTT.js
At the bottom to find "adres_sayta" and replace it with the address.

Author: Test-Templates

lundi 21 novembre 2016

Template Coderlaba V3 For DLE 11.1 English


Great blogging CoderLaba template for DLE 11.1 DCOReARTS implementation of web-studio recognized by many webmasters engine DataLife Engine 11.1 version. Elegant template for DLE 11.1 will appeal to all newly made and the potential for webmasters, or effective event online journal.

CoderLaba template for DLE 11.1, studio web material is made DCOReARTS a site on CMS engine DataLife Engine 11.1 new version. Modern and stylish template for DLE is very effective for building online event log to attract mass audience to discuss all sorts of questions and answers.

Name: CoderLaba for DLE
Complete set: tpl, css, js, fonts, modules manual
Imposition: div + css
Size: (fixed) background for all width
In the style of: universal blog
Type of layout: block
Works great on DLE : 11.1, 11.0, 10.6, 10.5
Well displayed in browsers: Opera, IE8, Mozilla, Safari, Google Ghrome
Author:  DCOReARTS

Installing template:

Open engine/ajax/profile.php //To profile_popup display user login
$tpl->set( '{rate}', userrating( $row['user_id'] ) );

Below add
$tpl->set( '{author}', $member_id['name'] );

Setting Fast-PM
Open engine/init.php
Remove or comment out the code:
if ($is_logged) {

set_cookie ( "dle_newpm", $member_id['pm_unread'], 365 );

if ($member_id['pm_unread'] > intval ( $_COOKIE['dle_newpm'] ) AND !$smartphone_detected) {

include_once ENGINE_DIR . '/modules/pm_alert.php';



Open File engine/modules/profile.php //To profile worked submit button PM
$tpl->set( '{pm}', "<a href="$PHP_SELF?do=pm&amp;doaction=newpm&amp;user=" . $row['user_id'] . "">" . $lang['news_pmnew'] . "</a>" );

Replaced by:
$tpl->set( '{pm}', "<a href="$PHP_SELF?do=pm&amp;doaction=newpm&amp;user=" . $row['user_id'] . "" onclick="fpm_to_user('{$row['name']}');return false;">" . $lang['news_pmnew'] . "</a>" );

Download  Template Coderlaba V3 For DLE 11.1 English

lundi 14 novembre 2016

Module Simple SEO v1.3.4 For DLE English


Simple SEO v1.3.4 module for dle generates header title and meta tags description, keywords immediately. Also manages the meta robots tag and other meta-data.

Features: Module elementary adjusts for different sections of your website, thereby generating a title element and meta-tag description and keywords on the basis of patterns and no change in the site database. In addition to everything possible to control the indexing using the meta robots.

Description and Setup Simple SEO v1.3.4 module for dle:
First of all, I tell you, this unit has a high quality layout for different versions of CMS DLE, on the appearance of the same. The big plus is that both options are provided encoding windows-1251 and UTF-8 on the stocks with the coding should arise!

Compatible with CMS: DLE 8.2-11.1

Next, you can see screenshots of the admin module Simple SEO v1.3.4!

1. Home module - global setting that allows you to control the module for work.


2. Tab header settings Title - is the most basic and most important section of the module.


3. This screenshot is tab settings meta tag Description - with the help of which it is possible to set up the formation of descriptions for different sections of the site.


4. Tab settings META Keywords tag - this section is rather a formality and is not particularly important, because basically a lot of sense to use the meta keywords tag is not present.


5. There is a tab meta tag settings Robots - if you look good, then we can understand that this is a simplified version of the module
DonBot and it contains the most appropriate settings.


6. In the last tab Other settings are located - in which it was decided to add the ability to confirm ownership of your site to the webmaster Yandex panels, Google,, Bing, as well as provide the ability to specify any arbitrary code that is added to the section of your site.


For convenient work with the module Simple SEO v1.0, were created templates for the formation of Title, Description and Keywords. Below is the full list:
%site_title% — title of the site (from the global settings DLE)
%site_name% — the short name of the site (from the global settings DLE)
%page% — adds a prefix for navigation pages, starting from the second
%cat_name% — the name of the category (from the global settings categories DLE)
%cat_title% — title category (from the global settings categories DLE)
%par_cat_name% — the name of the parent category (from the global settings categories DLE)
%par_cat_title% — title of the parent category (from the global settings categories DLE)
%news_name% — the name of the news
%news_id% — ID news
%news_date% — the date of publication of the news. Format (example — 23.05.2011)
%xfields_NAME% — the contents of the specified additional fields
[xfgiven_FIELD NAME]%xfields_FIELD NAME%[/xfgiven_FIELD NAME] — displays contents of the specified additional fields if it is not empty
[xfnotgiven_FIELD NAME]text[/xfnotgiven_FIELD NAME] — displays text if the content of the specified additional fields blank
%arch_date% — the withdrawal date for the archive:
Date archive for a specific day. Format (example — 23.05.2011)
Date archive for a specific month. Mm_name yyyy format (example — May 2011)
Date archive for a specific year. Format yyyy (example — 2011)
%tag_name% — the title tag
%symb_name% — character code
%static_name% — the name of the static page
%static_title% — the title of the static page
%username% — user name

A list of these templates, should cover 99% of needs.

How it works using the example of the header title

Consider the example of our site -, which has the category "Templates", in which there are subcategories "templates dle», «Joomla» and «IPB». As well as there are several publications on the website within these categories and subcategories.

Category "Templates", for example, is called "Templates" and meta title "Download dle templates for free." Everyone knows that the title is optimized for search engines and moving the main category page template, the remaining pages 2, 3, 4, etc. They do not need to be promoted, on the title for them to do better than any other matter, which is promoted by page, for one reason, "blurred" the weight of duplication. To do this, on the main category pages you need to use the title header, which is filled in the appropriate field, and for the pagination of pages in the title is recommended to insert the name of the category and the page number.

To implement this, you need to use to set " Overwrite title categories?" Cat_title% tag% , and in the setting "Overwrite title page navigation for categories?" Tags% cat_name%% page% -
As a result, we will get promoted to the main page of the category title «Download free templates dle", and pages for pagination «Templates - page X -», where the X - page number, and the name of your site.

Just module Simple SEO v.1.0 allows pages to subcategories used in templates or even the name of the parent title headings. For example, the category "Modules" is called "modules" and the title " Download free modules dle ", and added another set of templates from a parent category "Templates" and "Download dle templates for free." Many users are interested in, and how to make so that in title output "sub-name - Category name - The name of the site." It is elementary, like this:% cat_name% -% par_cat_name% -% site_name%.
With these templates, you will be able to use them to generate headlines browsing the full news, in addition to the full news there are tags that display news ID and the date of its publication. For publication entitled «o-Rating v.3» from the category "Modules dle» You can quickly stir up here this headline: «o-Rating v.3, Room 911 - Modules dle from 04.08.2014 - 8dle». To do this, you need to make here takoyshablon: % news_name%, number% news_id% -% cat_name% from news_date%% -% site_name% .

In principle, the instructions for setting up module Simple SEO v.1.0 set out in the smallest details. Now you can easily have the ability to use both of a set of templates and any of its set-top box, such as "Download templates dle besplatnoo without prescription online free then without advertising"

- Added logging sending a developer to debug errors
- Tested working on PHP 777
- Fixed a potential error
- Tested on the DLE 11.1

Download Module Simple SEO v1.3.4 For DLE English

Just SEO - it's elementary

* Module installation:

1. Unpack the archive with the module.
2. Copy the contents of the upload folder or upload_utf8 depending on the coding of your website to Your server.
3. Open /engine/init.php
At the end of the file after

if ($config['allow_tags']) include_once ENGINE_DIR . '/modules/tagscloud.php';

require_once ENGINE_DIR . '/inc/siseo/generation.php';

4. Run the file and follow his instructions.
5. Rename the file /engine/data/siseo_config.php.dist siseo_config.php and put CHMOD rights 777

* To delete a module:

1. Download the file siseo_uninstaller.php to the server.
2. Run it and follow the instructions.
3. Don't forget to remove the file siseo_uninstaller.php.
4. Open /engine/init.php
At the end of the file remove the line:

require_once ENGINE_DIR . '/inc/siseo/generation.php';

samedi 12 novembre 2016

Module LinkEnso PRO v2.3 NEW relinking for DLE Datalife Engine English

LinkEnso PRO

UP - Filled updated module with doctored CNC etc..
Module for the Ring-linking of news on the site.
Displays a news block containing images, headers and text announcements with reference to the previous/next news of the site.
Features: Visual code generator to insert, setting the number of displayed blocks, selection schemes and directions of linking. Fine tuning of the output header-links, images, announcements. Using tpl-templates to generate a list and a particular element.

Original title: LinkEnso PRO
Version of the engine: 9.x - 10.6
Current version: 2.3

Description and configuration of the module LinkEnso PRO
Some settings of the module you should be known of the first version
if not, then in front of each item has a clue. But added and
new setting for selecting image source (full/brief news
or extra box) and cut a short announcement.

Download :Module LinkEnso PRO v2.3  for DLE Datalife Engine English

Template News Sleek DLE 11.1 English


Template Sleek is the work done in a minimalist format for content management system DLE 11.1. English If you want to create your project on the php-script DataLife Engne 11.1, then this template Sleek, you can take almost a lyuuyu theme of the site. Many visitors enjoy minimalist format sites where you can read long texts posted.

Build your site for people move their literacy strategies in the search engines, and may come your search position in TOP10 Google and Yandex!
Author: Yurta
Template Type: Original
Version DLE: 11.1
Tested: IE, Opera, Chrome, Mozilla
Options: template and guide

Download News Sleek DLE 11.1 English