mercredi 23 novembre 2016

File Template For DLE 11.1 English

Template- DLE 11.1-English

Undoubtedly, this is one of the best templates for the game themes. Very colorful colors Template File Template attracts attention and will not leave indifferent any webmaster. I am glad that the template is not built on a single game, this is a big plus because it is suitable for any games. By the way, we've adapted it for DLE version and tested in all popular browsers, and can be no doubt about the correct operation. If you are still not updated, you will need to upgrade or make adaptations File Template Template for DLE 11.1 in the reverse order. The advantage of this is, of course, because this method of removal of information is sure to attract attention to the site. An excellent example could serve as a template for a game.

Layout: mixed
Width: fixed, 1000px
Version DLE: 11.1
Tested on: IE7, IE8, Mozilla, Opera, Google Chrome, Safari
Options: template, PSD logo and font

Download File Template  For  DLE 11.1

User guide on setting up a template

Template  FileTemplate
1) Setting the template:
- Uploading a folder template to a site in the templates folder
- Set for injected folder template write permissions (CHMOD 777)
- Install all files in the folder with the template write permissions (CHMOD 666)
- Choose a setting in our template engine.

2) To use a template need 2 additional fields:
To begin, open the admin site, go to the List of all the sections, additional fields of news
Select "Add new field" (right)

Golf screenshots:
Field Name - Scrinlist
Field description - Screenshots
Category - All
Field type - a few lines
Tick ​​- Use if desired

Golf links to download:
Field Name - Download
Field description - Download
Category - All
Field type - a few lines
Tick ​​- Use if desired

3) Bone or how to configure template
Conclusion of news on the home page is implemented through a special tag {custom}
{custom category="1" template="template" aviable="global" from="0" limit="6" cache="no"}

Category = "1" - a unit of this category id from which the news will be displayed (you can perecheslyat multiple comma-separated - you need id can be seen in front of the category admin)
template = "template" - a pattern of appearance (no need to change)
aviable = "global" - display in all sections (do not need to change)
from = "0" - from which the account news output
limit = "4" - number of news
cache = "no" - or not to use the cache (recommended value to reduce the load on the server - yes)

We find in main.tpl desired block and stamped category id. It is necessary to specify id the one category in which there is news. If you want to conclude the news of the parent category, you need to list all the sub-categories separated by commas.

4) Soc. network
Open file /js/shareTT.js
At the bottom to find "adres_sayta" and replace it with the address.

Author: Test-Templates

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