dimanche 26 octobre 2014

Module DLE Mini Statistics

Module DLE Mini Statistics
The module allows you to view the statistics for the mini users for a certain period.

For installation, you must download the file from the archive to a folder userstat.php engine / modules / module and connect you with the right parameters.

Such variations are possible:
range (Range) ...
- Statistics of the time interval:
5 days: range = 5 & per = day
7 weeks: range = 7 & per = week
4 months: range = 4 & per = month
1 year: range = 1 & per = year

per (Period) ...
- Period: hour, day, week, month, year

last (latest) ...
- Values: abs (the last today, yesterday), int (during 24 hours)

Download Module DLE Mini Statistics

Examples of connection: Output per day:
{include file="engine/modules/userstat.php?range=1&per=day&last=abs"}
Output data for the last 24 hours:
{include file="engine/modules/userstat.php?range=1&per=day&last=int"}
Output data from the last 2 weeks:
{include file="engine/modules/userstat.php?range=2&per=week&last=int"}
Output data for the last 3 months:
{include file="engine/modules/userstat.php?range=3&per=month&last=abs"}
The report will be made to decrease the period, for example 03/04/2014 23:59:59 - 01/03/2014 23:59:59. Version DLE: 9.6-10.3
Author: MaRZoCHi

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