dimanche 5 octobre 2014

Module Simple SEO 1.0 For DLE English

Module Simple SEO 1.0 For DLE English

Purpose: Generate header title and meta tags, description, keywords «on the fly." Manage meta tag robots and other meta-data.
Features: Tweaking activate the module in different sections of the site. Generation of the title element and meta tags description and keywords based on templates and no change in the real basis of the site. Management of indexation using the meta robots, and other settings.

Understanding and Configuring the module Simple SEO:

Immediately it should be said that the module has a layout as a new version of DLE, and under the old (anything below 10.2) and displayed the same course. And also finally provided both options windows-1251 and UTF-8, so do not even bother about these things - the module itself and adjusted to determine all requirements for!

1 Home module - a global setting that allows you to enable or disable the module completely. Oh, and my greetings to you :)

2 Settings Tab header Title - perhaps the most basic and most important section of the module. From this idea was born and header management module and other features of overgrown.

3 Settings Tab meta tag Description - allows you to adjust the formation of descriptions for different sections of the site.

4 Settings Tab meta tag Keywords - This section is more of a formality and a tribute to the past, because in principle make much sense to use the keywords meta tag is not.

5 Settings Tab meta tag Robots - a greatly simplified version of the module DonBot and having the most appropriate settings.

6 Other settings - in this section it was decided to add the ability to confirm ownership of your site to the webmaster panels Yandex, Google, mail.ru, Bing, as well as provide the ability to specify any arbitrary code that will be added to the section of your site.

7 As you can see, for the formation of Title, Description and Keywords are available, the so-called templates.

Here is a complete list of them:
-%site_title% - title of the site (from the global settings DLE)
-%site_name% - short name of the site (from the global settings DLE)
-%page% - adds prefix navigation pages, starting from the second
-%cat_name% - the name of the category (from the global settings categories DLE)
-%cat_title% - title category (from the global settings categories DLE)
-%par_cat_name% - name of the parent category (from the global settings categories DLE)
-%par_cat_title% - title parent category (from the global settings categories DLE)
-%news_name% - name of the news
-%news_id% - ID News
-%news_date% - the date of the publication of news. Format dd.mm.yyyy (example - 23.05.2011)
-%xfields_FIELD NAME% - the contents of the additional field
-%arch_date% - a conclusion date for the archive:
-Date To archive on a particular day. Format dd.mm.yyyy (example - 23.05.2011)
-Date Archive for a specific month. Format mm_name yyyy (example - June 2011)
-Date Archive for a specific year. Format yyyy (example - 2011)
-%tag_name% - the name of the tag
-%symb_name% - character code
-%static_name% - the name of a static page
-%static_title% - title static page
-%username% - username

The idea is that it should cover 99% of the needs. But if it turns out that some kind of template you are missing - write in the comments, and we will in the next update will add a new template.

How it works using the example of the header title

Suppose that we have a site about diet, type slimdown .ru, and there is a category of "Diet", which is the subcategory "Fasting days", "mono-diet" and "Diet" stars. And also there are several publications on the website within these categories and subcategories.

The category of "Diet" for example, is called "Diet" and meta title «Effective weight loss diet free." It is clear that the title here is optimized for search engines and promoted Home category diets, all pages 2, 3, 4, etc. do not need to promote and title is better for them to do other than the one which is promoted by the page, not to "wash out" the weight of duplication. It is therefore advisable for the main category page title used in that title, which is filled in the appropriate field, and pagination for the pages in the title, you can substitute the name of the category and page number.

To do this, use the setting in "Overwrite title categories?" Tag% cat_title%, and in the setting "Overwrite title navigation pages for categories?" Tag% cat_name%% page% - SlimDown. Ru
As a result, we get promoted to the main page of the category title «Effective weight loss diet free", but for pages pagination "Diets - Page X - SlimDown.Ru», where X - the page number, and SlimDown. Ru is the name of the site.

For subcategories pages can be used in templates or even the name of the title of parent groups. Say, the category of "mono-diet" is called "mono-diet" and the title «The most efficient mono-diet for weight loss," and more will be added to the set of templates from the parent category "Diet" and "Effective weight loss diet for free." I have often asked in comments to other articles about the DLE, how to make a title is derived "sub name - Category name - The name of the site." It's very simple, like this:% cat_name% -% par_cat_name% -% site_name%.

All the same tags you can use to generate headlines to view the full news pages, in addition to the full news has tags that display news ID and the date of its publication. Let's say for the publication entitled "Hollywood diet" from the category "Diet stars" can quickly slap a headline: "Hollywood diet for weight loss, number 31 - Diets stars from 23.05.2011 - SlimDown.Ru». To do this, we form the following pattern:% news_name%, number% news_id% -% cat_name% of% news_date% -% site_name%.

I think the principle of operation is now clear to everyone. You can use both patterns of recruitment and any of its set-top box, such as "free download without prescription free then no online advertising" :)

Installation, removal and update module Simple SEO

Installation of the module:

- Unpack the archive with the module;
- Copy the contents of the folder upload to your server, in the folder where you installed DLE;
- Open /engine/init.php and at the very end of the file before ?>> Insert:
require_once ENGINE_DIR . '/inc/siseo/generation.php';

- Run http://yoursite.com/siseo_installer.php and follow the instructions;
- Rename the file to /engine/data/siseo_config.php.dist siseo_config.php and put the right CHMOD 777;
- Remove a file from the server siseo _installer.php.

Removing the module:

- Download the file to the server siseo_uninstaller.php in the folder where you installed DLE;
- Run the file and follow the instructions http://yoursite.com/siseo_uninstaller.php;
- Remove all module files downloaded during the installation;
- Open /engine/init.php at the end of the file, locate and delete the line:
require_once ENGINE_DIR . '/inc/siseo/generation.php';

- Do not forget to delete the file siseo_uninstaller.php.

Update module:

- Download the new version of the module
- Unpack the archive with the module.
- Copy the contents of the upload (except siseo_installer.php) on your server, answering "yes" to your questions in FTP-client to replace the existing files.

Developer: Alaev
Compatible with CMS: DLE 8.2-10.X

Download Module Simple SEO 1.0 For DLE English

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