lundi 30 novembre 2015

CSS Cool idea to sort photos

The pilot script. The idea is that when you press two buttons in different ways to sort pictures.

HTML structure will be as follows:

<ul id="stack_yuda" class="stack stack--yuda">
<li class="stack__item"><img src="img/1.png" alt="Tree 1" /></li>
<li class="stack__item"><img src="img/2.png" alt="Tree 2" /></li>
<li class="stack__item"><img src="img/3.png" alt="Tree 3" /></li>
<li class="stack__item"><img src="img/4.png" alt="Tree 4" /></li>
<li class="stack__item"><img src="img/5.png" alt="Tree 5" /></li>
<li class="stack__item"><img src="img/6.png" alt="Tree 6" /></li>
<div class="controls">
<button class="button button--sonar button--reject" data-stack="stack_yuda">
<i class="fa fa-times"></i>
<span class="text-hidden">Reject</span>
<button class="button button--sonar button--accept" data-stack="stack_yuda">
<i class="fa fa-check"></i>
<span class="text-hidden">Accept</span>
All elements are located completely one on another. By clicking on a particular button will be assigned a class "accept" or "reject".

For this example, a small plug-in was implemented. For animation we used plug dynamics.js by Michael Villar. Including animation using CSS styling.

The plugin works according to the following settings:

Stack.prototype.options = {
// stack's perspective value
perspective: 1000,

// stack's perspective origin
perspectiveOrigin : '50% -50%',

// number of visible items in the stack
visible : 3,

// infinite navigation
infinite : true,

// callback: when reaching the end of the stack
onEndStack : function() {return false;},

// animation settings for the items' movements in the stack when the items rearrange
// object that is passed to the dynamicsjs animate function (see more at
// example:
// {type: dynamics.spring,duration: 1641,frequency: 557,friction: 459,anticipationSize: 206,anticipationStrength: 392}
stackItemsAnimation : {
duration : 500,
type : dynamics.bezier,
points : [{'x':0,'y':0,'cp':[{'x':0.25,'y':0.1}]},{'x':1,'y':1,'cp':[{'x':0.25,'y':1}]}]

// delay for the items' rearrangement / delay before stackItemsAnimation is applied
stackItemsAnimationDelay : 0,

// Before setting animation group
stackItemsPreAnimation : {
reject : {
elastic : true,
animationProperties : {},
animationSettings : {}
accept : {
elastic : true,
animationProperties : {},
animationSettings : {}
And here is an example of the effect of reject / accept (acceptance / rejection)

Source :

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