samedi 1 novembre 2014

MODULE Chats DLE 9.X - 10.X - English


Revised, redesigned and adapted to DLE 10.3 chat module. Simple functional, is all that is necessary, and no excess.

Functionality of the site:
1. Writing messages in chat with the conclusion avatars. It is possible to write, referring to a specific user. Compatible bb tags, smiles, colors, fonts .. The administrator or moderator can delete the message.
2. There is a setting in the admin chat.
3. Ban users
4. Filter words with replacement
5. Save the logs and view them
6. Cleaning of all messages in the chat.
What I actually corrected the errors of:
1. Fixed a bug where the avatar appeared for a second, then becomes a bat picture.
2. After clicking "Send" the message is not sent until you press enter.
3. A couple of small bugs in the admin.
4. Fixed auto-update the chat.


1. Pour the files on the server
2. Align right folder engine \ chat \ data and files in it, as well as on the backup / chat / - 777
3. Open index.php
require_once ROOT_DIR . '/engine/init.php'; 
Add below:
require_once ENGINE_DIR . '/chat/chat_block.php'; 
 $tpl->set ( '{speedbar}', $tpl->result['speedbar'] );
Add below:
 $tpl->set ( '{chat_block}', $tpl->result['chat_block'] );
4. Open engine\engine.php
case "comments" :
include ENGINE_DIR . '/modules/comments.php';
Add below:
 case "chat" : 
include ENGINE_DIR.'/chat/chat.php';
5. Start the installation by clicking on the link http: //

6. Open .htaccess
RewriteEngine On 
Add below:
 # For Chat
RewriteRule ^chat(/?)+$ index.php?do=chat
7. If you would like to chat was not only on a separate page at the following address: http: //
but also on the main page, insert tag {chat_block} in main.tpl before or after {content} tag to your discretion.

8. If you want to auto-cleaning the chat, you can set the crown on cron_job.php

9. Delete file chat.install.php

Title: Module chat
CMS: DLE 9.x - 10.x
Module Version: 1.0


Download MODULE Chats DLE 9.X - 10.X - English

vendredi 31 octobre 2014

ALLNEWS Template FOR DLE 10.3 English

ALLNEWS Template FOR DLE 10.3 English

Interesting template Allnews for DLE English,originally made ​​expressly for warez  and media portals. This is indicated by the preset device, and menu items. All the uniqueness of this pattern in a minimum number ve graphics, most of the template is made on css. Because of this your site will quickly loaded. Easy template for DLE Allnews a universal solution that will fit almost any DLE site. In general, the pattern of universal themes or warez theme. Great entertainment template Allnews. The template can be installed on either DLE 10.3. Themed template Allnews is entertaining. The template can be used as an online cinema news site, the multimedia portal gaming site and others. The advantage of this is, of course, because this method of deducing information is sure to attract attention to the site. The fact is that if the user initially searches a motion picture or simply for entertainment information. Then it all a bit unusual and a bit out of the general gauge. Thematic focus template Allnews for DLE is very diverse, then you can host your site on any topic, anything like it.

template Type:RIP
version DLE: 10.3-10.1
Options:tpl, img, js
Tested:IE, Opera, Firefox
Size: ~ 300 Kb

Download ALLNEWS Template FOR DLE 10.3 English

lundi 27 octobre 2014

HDKINOMIR Template FOR DLE 10.3 English

Simple and easy template on online movie, the template contains only right for the visitor, there is nothing not overloaded, nice color pattern, the ability to change the background to any film. Template HDKinoMir for DLE 10.3 English has two column structure. Verification has been made in the latest generation of popular browsers, and he showed his best side. And we must say that they have it really well, has a fairly bright, stylish design, which did not bother my eyes. Every detail is perfectly rendered, and appreciate quality performance even the most demanding web-master. The fact is that if the user initially searches a motion picture or simply for entertainment information. Thematic focus template HDKinoMir for DLE English movie online, then you can place your website on any topic, anything like that. The fact is that if the user initially searches a motion picture or simply for entertainment information. Then it all a bit unusual and a bit out of the general gauge. The advantage of this is, of course, because this method of deducing information is sure to attract attention to the site. Very aesthetic pattern HDKinoMir was produced specifically for the cinematic sites that are built on the mega engine DLE.

Author: Unknown
Template Type: RIP
Version DLE: 10.3
Tested: Opera, IE, Firefox
Options: only template
Size: ~ 470 Kb

Full Story

Download HDKINOMIR Template FOR DLE 10.3 English

dimanche 26 octobre 2014

Module DLE Mini Statistics

Module DLE Mini Statistics
The module allows you to view the statistics for the mini users for a certain period.

For installation, you must download the file from the archive to a folder userstat.php engine / modules / module and connect you with the right parameters.

Such variations are possible:
range (Range) ...
- Statistics of the time interval:
5 days: range = 5 & per = day
7 weeks: range = 7 & per = week
4 months: range = 4 & per = month
1 year: range = 1 & per = year

per (Period) ...
- Period: hour, day, week, month, year

last (latest) ...
- Values: abs (the last today, yesterday), int (during 24 hours)

Download Module DLE Mini Statistics

Examples of connection: Output per day:
{include file="engine/modules/userstat.php?range=1&per=day&last=abs"}
Output data for the last 24 hours:
{include file="engine/modules/userstat.php?range=1&per=day&last=int"}
Output data from the last 2 weeks:
{include file="engine/modules/userstat.php?range=2&per=week&last=int"}
Output data for the last 3 months:
{include file="engine/modules/userstat.php?range=3&per=month&last=abs"}
The report will be made to decrease the period, for example 03/04/2014 23:59:59 - 01/03/2014 23:59:59. Version DLE: 9.6-10.3
Author: MaRZoCHi

Mobile Detect DLE Module

Mobile Detect DLE Module

The new release Dle 10.3 appeared quite interesting innovation, namely the automatic detection of devices from which to browse the site. And depending on the device can be displayed or hide certain content. For this we introduce new tags [smartphone] text [/ smartphone] and [not-smartphone] text [/ not-smartphone], [tablet] text [/ tablet] and [not-tablet] text [/ not-tablet], and as well [desktop] text [/ desktop] and [not-desktop] text [/ not-desktop]. Let us try to apply this innovation to version 10.2.

Details for tags:
[smartphone] text [/ smartphone], which displays the text enclosed in them, if the site is viewed using a smartphone, and the tags [not-smartphone] text [/ not-smartphone], which displays the text enclosed in them, if the site visitors are not visible from the smartphone. These tags are global and can be used in all template files. Thus, you can flexibly adjust the content output of your site, depending on the visitor of the device, for example, control the output devices for advertising and more.

[tablet] text [/ tablet], which displays the text enclosed in them, if the site is viewed using the tablet, as well as tag [not-tablet] text [/ not-tablet], which displays the text enclosed in them, if the site visitors are not visible using the tablet. These tags are global and can be used in all template files. Thus, you can flexibly adjust the content output of your site, depending on the visitor of the device, for example, control the output devices for advertising and more.

[desktop] text [/ desktop], which displays the text enclosed in them, if the site is viewed using a desktop browser (desktop computers, laptops), and tags [not-desktop] text [/ not-desktop], which displays the text enclosed in them, if the site visitor is not visible using a desktop browser. These tags are global and can be used in all template files. Thus, you can flexibly adjust the content output of your site, depending on the visitor of the device, for example, control the output devices for advertising and more.

Version DLE: 10.2
Author modifications: vitnet

Download Module DLE Mobile detect

1. Download the following archive file mobile.detect.php and unpack it in a folder /engine/classes/.
2. Open the index.php file and find:
require_once ENGINE_DIR . '/init.php';
Add below:
require_once ENGINE_DIR . '/classes/mobile.detect.php';
$detect = new Mobile_Detect;
if (stripos ( $tpl->copy_template, "{custom" ) !== false) {
$tpl->copy_template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\\{custom(.+?)\\}#i", "custom_print", $tpl->copy_template );
Add below:
if (stripos ( $tpl->copy_template, "[smartphone" ) !== false) {
$tpl->copy_template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\\[(smartphone)\\](.*?)\\[/smartphone\\]#is", "check_smartphone", $tpl->copy_template );
if (stripos ( $tpl->copy_template, "[not-smartphone" ) !== false) {
$tpl->copy_template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\\[(not-smartphone)\\](.*?)\\[/not-smartphone\\]#is", "check_smartphone", $tpl->copy_template );
if (stripos ( $tpl->copy_template, "[tablet" ) !== false) {
$tpl->copy_template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\\[(tablet)\\](.*?)\\[/tablet\\]#is", "check_tablet", $tpl->copy_template );
if (stripos ( $tpl->copy_template, "[not-tablet" ) !== false) {
$tpl->copy_template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\\[(not-tablet)\\](.*?)\\[/not-tablet\\]#is", "check_tablet", $tpl->copy_template );
if (stripos ( $tpl->copy_template, "[desktop" ) !== false) {
$tpl->copy_template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\\[(desktop)\\](.*?)\\[/desktop\\]#is", "check_desktop", $tpl->copy_template );
if (stripos ( $tpl->copy_template, "[not-desktop" ) !== false) {
$tpl->copy_template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\\[(not-desktop)\\](.*?)\\[/not-desktop\\]#is", "check_desktop", $tpl->copy_template );
3. Open File engine/classes/templates.class.php and find:
if (strpos ( $this->template, "[aviable=" ) !== false) {
$this->template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\[(aviable)=(.+?)\](.*?)\[/aviable\]#is", array( &$this, 'check_module'), $this->template );
Add above:
if (strpos ( $this->template, "[smartphone" ) !== false) {
$this->template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\[(smartphone)\](.*?)\[/smartphone\]#is", array( &$this, 'check_smartphone'), $this->template );

if (strpos ( $this->template, "[not-smartphone" ) !== false) {
$this->template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\[(not-smartphone)\](.*?)\[/not-smartphone\]#is", array( &$this, 'check_smartphone'), $this->template );

if (strpos ( $this->template, "[tablet" ) !== false) {
$this->template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\[(tablet)\](.*?)\[/tablet\]#is", array( &$this, 'check_tablet'), $this->template );

if (strpos ( $this->template, "[not-tablet" ) !== false) {
$this->template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\[(not-tablet)\](.*?)\[/not-tablet\]#is", array( &$this, 'check_tablet'), $this->template );

if (strpos ( $this->template, "[desktop" ) !== false) {
$this->template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\[(desktop)\](.*?)\[/desktop\]#is", array( &$this, 'check_desktop'), $this->template );

if (strpos ( $this->template, "[not-desktop" ) !== false) {
$this->template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\[(not-desktop)\](.*?)\[/not-desktop\]#is", array( &$this, 'check_desktop'), $this->template );
if (strpos ( $template, "[aviable=" ) !== false) {
$template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\[(aviable)=(.+?)\](.*?)\[/aviable\]#is", array( &$this, 'check_module'), $template );
Add above:
if (strpos ( $template, "[smartphone" ) !== false) {
$template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\[(smartphone)\](.*?)\[/smartphone\]#is", array( &$this, 'check_smartphone'), $template );

if (strpos ( $template, "[not-smartphone" ) !== false) {
$template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\[(not-smartphone)\](.*?)\[/not-smartphone\]#is", array( &$this, 'check_smartphone'), $template );

if (strpos ( $template, "[tablet" ) !== false) {
$template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\[(tablet)\](.*?)\[/tablet\]#is", array( &$this, 'check_tablet'), $template );

if (strpos ( $template, "[not-tablet" ) !== false) {
$template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\[(not-tablet)\](.*?)\[/not-tablet\]#is", array( &$this, 'check_tablet'), $template );

if (strpos ( $template, "[desktop" ) !== false) {
$template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\[(desktop)\](.*?)\[/desktop\]#is", array( &$this, 'check_desktop'), $template );

if (strpos ( $template, "[not-desktop" ) !== false) {
$template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\[(not-desktop)\](.*?)\[/not-desktop\]#is", array( &$this, 'check_desktop'), $template );
function clear_url_dir($var) {
if ( is_array($var) ) return "";

$var = str_ireplace( ".php", "", $var );
$var = str_ireplace( ".php", ".ppp", $var );
$var = trim( strip_tags( $var ) );
$var = str_replace( "\", "/", $var );
$var = preg_replace( "/[^a-z0-9/_-]+/mi", "", $var );
$var = preg_replace( '#[/]+#i', '/', $var );
return $var;
Add below:
function check_smartphone( $matches = array() ) {
global $detect;

$action = $matches[1];
$block = $matches[2];

if( $action == "smartphone" ) {
if( $detect->isMobile() && !$detect->isTablet() ) {
return $block;
} elseif( $action == "not-smartphone" ) {
if( !$detect->isMobile() || $detect->isTablet() ) {
return $block;
} else return "";

function check_tablet( $matches = array() ) {
global $detect;
$action = $matches[1];
$block = $matches[2];

if( $action == "tablet" ) {
if( $detect->isTablet() ) {
return $block;
} elseif( $action == "not-tablet" ) {
if( !$detect->isTablet() ) {
return $block;
} else return "";

function check_desktop( $matches = array() ) {
global $detect;
$action = $matches[1];
$block = $matches[2];

if( $action == "desktop" ) {
if( !$detect->isMobile() && !$detect->isTablet() ) {
return $block;
} elseif( $action == "not-desktop" ) {
if( $detect->isMobile() ) {
return $block;
} else return "";

Module System points 1.5 Final release DLE 10.3 English

Datalife Engine 10.3  English
Module System points 1.5 Final release DLE 10.3 English

Presenting your attention the module System points / scoring system that allows users to receive points on your website and in return the user gets different opportunities as changing a nickname, group or style nickname. These features makes your website to many unique, interesting and frequently visited.

- All components are configured from the admin panel
- The operation of all components is made entirely using Ajax
- Support on and off the NC Online
- Easy customization of templates for each component
- Enable / disable the entire system as well as a separate component
- Easy integration into other modules (DLE-Files Forum, Ecom, Thank Module)
- Ability to receive points for adding news, comments, forum posts, or creation of topics on the forum
- Ability to receive at check points
- Ability to earn points at check if all fields (name, location, avatar, icq)
- Ability to change the login
- Block Top users (caching)
- Ability to make a style login: Bold
- Ability to make a style login: italic
- Ability to make a style login: Underline
- Ability to make a style login: Color
- Ability to make a style login: Font
- Ability to include specular reflection Avatar
- Ability to set personal status
- Ability to modify / change the group to which the user is located (caching)
- Ability to give gifts to friends and other users on the site (caching)
- Ability to establish for each gift your price
- Ability to obtain a unique referral link for each user through which he can invite friends and acquaintances to the site, and in return receive points if the recipient is registered on the site
- As well as the opportunity to invite friends and acquaintances to the site via e-mail
- Ability to send scores to other users
- Ability to purchase points for the currency (the system Robokassa)
- Ability to see the latest action

Changes from 10.22.2014:
- Updated to version DLE 10.3
- Fixed a referral system
- Updated design adminpaneli
- Fixed a significant number of bugs
- Cut activation

Author: iDezign
Version of the engine DLE: 10.3
Author adaptation: MSW and Roman Bork
Translate in English: Mika

Datalife Engine 10.3  English

Download Module System points 1.5 Final release DLE 10.3 English

Instruction in the site template
Insstalling System Points 1.5 Final For DLE Forum

dimanche 5 octobre 2014

Module Simple SEO 1.0 For DLE English

Module Simple SEO 1.0 For DLE English

Purpose: Generate header title and meta tags, description, keywords «on the fly." Manage meta tag robots and other meta-data.
Features: Tweaking activate the module in different sections of the site. Generation of the title element and meta tags description and keywords based on templates and no change in the real basis of the site. Management of indexation using the meta robots, and other settings.

Understanding and Configuring the module Simple SEO:

Immediately it should be said that the module has a layout as a new version of DLE, and under the old (anything below 10.2) and displayed the same course. And also finally provided both options windows-1251 and UTF-8, so do not even bother about these things - the module itself and adjusted to determine all requirements for!

1 Home module - a global setting that allows you to enable or disable the module completely. Oh, and my greetings to you :)

2 Settings Tab header Title - perhaps the most basic and most important section of the module. From this idea was born and header management module and other features of overgrown.

3 Settings Tab meta tag Description - allows you to adjust the formation of descriptions for different sections of the site.

4 Settings Tab meta tag Keywords - This section is more of a formality and a tribute to the past, because in principle make much sense to use the keywords meta tag is not.

5 Settings Tab meta tag Robots - a greatly simplified version of the module DonBot and having the most appropriate settings.

6 Other settings - in this section it was decided to add the ability to confirm ownership of your site to the webmaster panels Yandex, Google,, Bing, as well as provide the ability to specify any arbitrary code that will be added to the section of your site.

7 As you can see, for the formation of Title, Description and Keywords are available, the so-called templates.

Here is a complete list of them:
-%site_title% - title of the site (from the global settings DLE)
-%site_name% - short name of the site (from the global settings DLE)
-%page% - adds prefix navigation pages, starting from the second
-%cat_name% - the name of the category (from the global settings categories DLE)
-%cat_title% - title category (from the global settings categories DLE)
-%par_cat_name% - name of the parent category (from the global settings categories DLE)
-%par_cat_title% - title parent category (from the global settings categories DLE)
-%news_name% - name of the news
-%news_id% - ID News
-%news_date% - the date of the publication of news. Format (example - 23.05.2011)
-%xfields_FIELD NAME% - the contents of the additional field
-%arch_date% - a conclusion date for the archive:
-Date To archive on a particular day. Format (example - 23.05.2011)
-Date Archive for a specific month. Format mm_name yyyy (example - June 2011)
-Date Archive for a specific year. Format yyyy (example - 2011)
-%tag_name% - the name of the tag
-%symb_name% - character code
-%static_name% - the name of a static page
-%static_title% - title static page
-%username% - username

The idea is that it should cover 99% of the needs. But if it turns out that some kind of template you are missing - write in the comments, and we will in the next update will add a new template.

How it works using the example of the header title

Suppose that we have a site about diet, type slimdown .ru, and there is a category of "Diet", which is the subcategory "Fasting days", "mono-diet" and "Diet" stars. And also there are several publications on the website within these categories and subcategories.

The category of "Diet" for example, is called "Diet" and meta title «Effective weight loss diet free." It is clear that the title here is optimized for search engines and promoted Home category diets, all pages 2, 3, 4, etc. do not need to promote and title is better for them to do other than the one which is promoted by the page, not to "wash out" the weight of duplication. It is therefore advisable for the main category page title used in that title, which is filled in the appropriate field, and pagination for the pages in the title, you can substitute the name of the category and page number.

To do this, use the setting in "Overwrite title categories?" Tag% cat_title%, and in the setting "Overwrite title navigation pages for categories?" Tag% cat_name%% page% - SlimDown. Ru
As a result, we get promoted to the main page of the category title «Effective weight loss diet free", but for pages pagination "Diets - Page X - SlimDown.Ru», where X - the page number, and SlimDown. Ru is the name of the site.

For subcategories pages can be used in templates or even the name of the title of parent groups. Say, the category of "mono-diet" is called "mono-diet" and the title «The most efficient mono-diet for weight loss," and more will be added to the set of templates from the parent category "Diet" and "Effective weight loss diet for free." I have often asked in comments to other articles about the DLE, how to make a title is derived "sub name - Category name - The name of the site." It's very simple, like this:% cat_name% -% par_cat_name% -% site_name%.

All the same tags you can use to generate headlines to view the full news pages, in addition to the full news has tags that display news ID and the date of its publication. Let's say for the publication entitled "Hollywood diet" from the category "Diet stars" can quickly slap a headline: "Hollywood diet for weight loss, number 31 - Diets stars from 23.05.2011 - SlimDown.Ru». To do this, we form the following pattern:% news_name%, number% news_id% -% cat_name% of% news_date% -% site_name%.

I think the principle of operation is now clear to everyone. You can use both patterns of recruitment and any of its set-top box, such as "free download without prescription free then no online advertising" :)

Installation, removal and update module Simple SEO

Installation of the module:

- Unpack the archive with the module;
- Copy the contents of the folder upload to your server, in the folder where you installed DLE;
- Open /engine/init.php and at the very end of the file before ?>> Insert:
require_once ENGINE_DIR . '/inc/siseo/generation.php';

- Run and follow the instructions;
- Rename the file to /engine/data/siseo_config.php.dist siseo_config.php and put the right CHMOD 777;
- Remove a file from the server siseo _installer.php.

Removing the module:

- Download the file to the server siseo_uninstaller.php in the folder where you installed DLE;
- Run the file and follow the instructions;
- Remove all module files downloaded during the installation;
- Open /engine/init.php at the end of the file, locate and delete the line:
require_once ENGINE_DIR . '/inc/siseo/generation.php';

- Do not forget to delete the file siseo_uninstaller.php.

Update module:

- Download the new version of the module
- Unpack the archive with the module.
- Copy the contents of the upload (except siseo_installer.php) on your server, answering "yes" to your questions in FTP-client to replace the existing files.

Developer: Alaev
Compatible with CMS: DLE 8.2-10.X

Download Module Simple SEO 1.0 For DLE English

Deco Mag - Responsive Magazine For Blogger Template

Deco Mag - Responsive Magazine Blogger Template

Deco mag blogger template is a another beautiful modern blogger template. its clean and fresh flat color based responsive blogger design and high user friendly blogger template.This theme perfect for news, magazine and personal websites.

-100% Responsive Design
-RTL Support Check
-Widgets Drag and Drop Support
-Unlimited Colour Customization
-Advance Editor: Change background color, upload background images,colors, fonts, fonts size.
-Responsive Mega Menu
-Auto Blog Post Summarize
-Optimize SEO Check
-Auto detect flickr and other Images open for Lightbox
-Tabbed Menu
-Multi Author Supported
-Jquery image overlay effect with Icons
-4 Column Footer Area
-YouTube Video Support (Any post style)
-Responsive Ad Widget (Google Adsense Support)
-Responsive Flexslider
-News Ticker
-CSS3 + HTML Dropdown Menu
-Recent Post By Label (16 Post style )
-Author Info Widget
-High Quality Image Optimize Without Crop
-Cool Related Posts Widget
-JqueryOverlay effect support with touch devices
-Well Documentation
-Threaded Comments
-Responsive Site Map Widget
-Custom Error 404 Page
-User Friendly Admin Layout

Download Deco Mag - Responsive Magazine Blogger Template

samedi 4 octobre 2014

Slash - Tech/Magazine For Blogger Template

Slash - Tech/Magazine For Blogger Template

Slash is a clean, customizable and feature rich blogger template that can be used for categories such as Technology, Magazine, Entertainment Blogs and much more. With the all new Mega Menu you can quickly show related post to your visitor for each category. The 3 columned responsive layout of this template help you add a whole lot of info on your front page. On Hover Featured slider is another cool feature of this blog where you can put the best of your content for maximum exposure.

Slash - Tech/Magazine For Blogger Template
Mega Menu


Responsive Layout.
Supports Template Designer.
Customizable Category Lists.
Free Social Media Icons Pack.
Responsive Header Ad Slot.
Feedburner Email Subscription.
Related Posts.
Social Sharing.

Demo Slash - Tech/Magazine For Blogger Template
Download Slash - Tech/Magazine For Blogger Template

mardi 30 septembre 2014

MYANDROID Template For DLE 10.3 English

MYANDROID Template For DLE 10.3 English
MyAndroid template for DLE 10.3 English is designed primarily for mobile site or any other site. In principle, the pattern is universal and a little upgrading can be applied to almost any website. Introducing the attention light and strong pattern of mobile themes. Among the advantages should be noted that the design is not overloaded with multiple graphic elements. Pretty universal template suitable for analytical portals and firms serving the computer technology. A good choice for the individual user as well as for a successful company. Nothing extra on the page, you will no longer find. MyAndroid template for DLE 10.3 justifies its name, it is extremely simple and unobtrusive. However, in this lies its features and all the zest of a template. For now, web developers are struggling to outdo each other, creating more and more unexpected solutions, designer and programmer moves. However SanderArt, so known for its innovative approach, has decided to focus on the conciseness, rigor and simplicity.
Author: SanderArt
Template Type: Original
Version DLE: 10.3-10.1
Tested: IE, Opera, Chrome, Mozilla
Options: template, logo, fonts, user
Size: ~ 635 Kb

Download MYANDROID Template For DLE 10.3 English

To install, copy the desired folder in the directory of the templates on your server where the system is installed DLE. Then adminpaneli select desired template. Remember that this folder and all subfolders you want to assign rights CMOD 777 and all files - CMOD 666.

In the administration panel, create a separate category to which add the news with SEO-text for your site (shown to the right of the logo). Name of the news does not matter. Next, locate the file main.tpl
<div class="seotext">
{custom category="1" template="about" aviable="global" from="0" limit="1" cache="no"}

and instead of 1 indicate the number of categories created. Text will be displayed only the latest news (and therefore create a separate category).
In block
<div class="banner1"> <!-- Paste the code below the banner -->


You can insert a banner size 468x60.
To add an item in the horizontal menu with drop-down list to locate the file structure of the form main.tpl

<li><a href="#">Wallpapers</a></li>

and insert the same, where # - full link address and Wallpapers - its title (title).
For drop-down list:

<li class="drop"><a href="#" class="link1">Aplication</a>
<li><a href="#">Internet</a></li>

Near the main blocks are signature to facilitate the understanding of the structure of the main page.
In the design of the form
{custom category="40" template="custom-1" aviable="global" from="0" limit="14" cache="no" order="date"}
indicate the number of categories to display (category = "40"), the number of output news, you can also change (limit = "14"). Room categories inscribe pairs for each block applications, games, etc. If you specify 7 news, there will be a number of 1, 14 News - 2 rows, respectively.
The files and main.tpl offline.tpl in rows

<li><a href="#" class="twitter" title="Twitter" target="_blank"></a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="facebook" title="Facebook" target="_blank"></a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="vkontakte" title="Vkontakte" target="_blank"></a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="gplus" title="Google Plus" target="_blank"></a></li>

insert links to pages on social networks.
Also create 4 additional fields with the required name and type:
info - a few lines (for more information about the content - year, file size, version of the game, etc.);
download - one line (for the hyperlink to download the file, such
qr - a few lines (for the qr-code image to be inserted as an image with the tag [img] in the editor);
shots - a few lines (for screenshots, images are loaded via the editor using the tag [img], the picture size in this field will be automatically reduced to a width of 134 pixels., the aspect ratio preserved). When downloading images, use left alignment, but between them, do not leave interline transfer, but just one picture after the other without a space.
For all the fields you specify "if you want to use (you can leave this field EMPTY)."
When you add the news poster-image and publication add to the brief / full news and additional information about the bundled download content - in an additional field of info (if necessary).
If you have any questions, please contact by ICQ 382843510 or email

jeudi 25 septembre 2014

Haq Using tags declination [DLE 10.1 - 10.x] English

Using tags [declination = X] [/ declination] in all .tpl template files and a slight change in the Tag DLE 10.1 - 10.x

This hack allows you to use tags [declination = X] [/ declination] in all .tpl template files and makes a small but convenient change in the work of these tags.


Open index.php in the root of the site and find:
echo $tpl->result['main'];

Insert above:
$tpl->result['main'] = preg_replace_callback ( "#\[declination=(d+)\](.+?)\[/declination\]#is", "declination", $tpl->result['main'] );

Open File engine/modules/functions.php and find:
return $matches[1]." ".$word;

Replace with:
return $word;

Now talk about the change in the work of these tags.
If you use such a structure:
 You [declination={new-pm}]message|e|i|s[/declination]

The result on the page will look like this:
You [declination={new-pm}]message|e|i|s[/declination]

This hack removes the number and space between the word, leaving only the word declination, creating a need to write a numeric tag further. Thus allows the use of more complex structures like this:
You {new-pm} [declination={new-pm}]new|th|s|s[/declination] [declination={new-pm}]reported|s|th|s[/declination]

The result on the page will look like this:
You have 10 new messages

Who do not understand, without elaboration - it would look like this:
Do you 10 10 10 new posts

Hope will be useful in your own projects;)
Thank you for your attention!

Author: vir2oz
Version DLE: 10.1 - 10.x

mercredi 17 septembre 2014

Module CatFace 2.3 Eng

Module CatFace 2.3 english

Module CatFace 2.3 english version for SEO optimization of the main page and categories engine DLE Datalife Engine.
Displays on the main page and categories seo-optimized text description and header H1.

Purpose: Output tekstovovogo description and H1 header on the category pages and the home page.
Features: Ability to control the display of the title and description on different pages. Opportunity to ask for a description of each category 2 and 2 header - for the first (main) page and for everyone else. Flexible adjustment through a separate tpl-pattern using special tags.

Opportunities - complete control output text descriptions in different situations through the admin panel.

- Intuitive control panel interface and visual text editor;
- Module is fully cached;
- Module uses API DLE;
- The ability to activate the module only in certain categories;
- The ability to activate the module only on the first page of the category;
- The ability to output different descriptions and title to the home page and section pages for pagination;
- Availability of detailed tips to all settings in the admin panel.

Installation of the module: 
- Unpack the archive with the module;
- Copy the contents of the folder uploads (in addition to / templates /) to the server;
- Contents of the folder uploads/templates/Default/ put in a folder of your template;
- Run and follow the instructions;
- Remove a file from the server catface_installer.php;
- Open the file main.tpl your template and in the right place, add the following code:
[aviable=cat|main]{include file="engine/modules/catface.php"}[/aviable]

The installation process is complete, proceed to configure the module.

Removing the module: 
- Download the file catface_uninstaller.php to the server in the folder where you installed DLE;
- Run the file and follow the instructions;
- Remove all module files downloaded during the installation;
- Do not forget to delete the file catface_uninstaller.php.

Current version 2.3 (from 23.05.2014) 
- Completely updated and redesigned the look of the module.
- Fixed switching editors (BBCODES, WYSIWYG) for new versions of DLE.
- Fixed a bug in PHP version 5.4 and above.

Version DLE: 8.2-10.x

Download Module CatFace 2.3 english version

mardi 16 septembre 2014

DLETUBE Template For DLE 10.3 English

DLETUBE Template For Datalife Engine 10.3 English

Chic movie template for the resource DLETube for DLE 10.3, English a bit like a social networking service (VK Vkontakte) colors and a simple clear design, where the foreground go minipostery news in the form of pictures.
Download movie template for DLE 10.3 DLETube to create an Internet portal is now offered to all comers, master work is an excellent example performed at a high level for entertaining online theater news or media resource.

Author: Unknown
Template Type: Original
Version DLE: 10.1 / 10.2
Tested: IE, Mozilla, Opera
Options: tpl, jpg, css, js
Size: 230 Kb
Download DLETUBE Template For DLE 10.3 English

lundi 15 septembre 2014

SOFTSTORAGE Template For DLE 10.3 English

SOFTSTORAGE RED Themes For Datalife Engine 10.3 English

Bright pattern Softstorage for DLE 10.3 English for sites of any subject, engaged in the development of design ELCREATIVO. It should also be noted the purity and validity of the code, and the correct operation of the template in all popular browsers. It should also be noted that there was an adaptation of the template to the latest version of the DLE 10.3, and for this reason the correct display on earlier versions is not guaranteed. We recommend that you upgrade your engine and get site template for DataLife Engine. Softstorage template for DLE adapted to the latest version of the script, and you can now download it for free. Among the advantages should be noted that the design is not overloaded with multiple graphic elements. It is important to take into account the fact that the template will look perfect in any browser, because the pattern is universal and width, you can customize yourself. Easy and simple template Softstorage for DLE, made ​​in the light, universal pattern, it can be applied to any subject. The first thing that comes to my mind is on this template will look great sites warez theme.

Template Type: RIP
Version DLE: 10.3
Tested: Mozilla, IE, Opera
Options: img, css, tpl, js
Size: ~ 500 Kb

Download SOFTSTORAGE RED Template For DLE 10.3 English

dimanche 14 septembre 2014

SITE-PORTAL Template For DLE 10.3 English

SITE-PORTAL RED Template For Datalife Engine 10.3 English

SITE-PORTAL GREEN Template For Datalife Engine 10.3 English

The design is lightweight, well perceived, colors chosen correctly, and the whole site looks harmonious. Very creative and interesting template for Site-Portal DLE 10.3 English, if you plan to portal with lots of information on different categories and sub categories. The first thing that comes to my mind is on this template will look great sites warez, music, movies, template Site-Portal for sites of any subject. This is an adaptation from the ninth version. The template has been fully adapted to the latest version of the news and the engine on older versions will not work correctly. The template is suitable for portals or news sites. The rest, as always, a nice easy pattern. In addition to the stylish logo and a brief description of what is presented on the site, there is plenty of space for a large banner and side, a site map and a link to add to your bookmarks. Cap separated from the main part of another beautifully decorated bar. Well, then it is clear that the layout of the website in two columns. It should also be noted the purity and validity of the code, and the correct operation of the template in all popular browsers. It should also be noted that there was an adaptation of the template to the latest version of the DLE 10.3 English, and for this reason the correct display on earlier versions is not guaranteed. We recommend that you upgrade your engine and get site template for DataLife Engine English.

Author: CentroArts
Template Type: RIP
Version DLE: 10.3
Tested: IE, Opera, Mozilla
Options: tpl, css, img
Size: ~ 600 Kb

Download SITE-PORTAL RED Template For DLE 10.3 English
Download SITE-PORTAL GREEN Template For DLE 10.3 English

samedi 13 septembre 2014

HEN Template For DLE 10.3 English

Hen Template For DLE 10.3 English

If you want a high quality site with an attractive design, this work Hen for DLE 10.3 English you will be most welcome. This template was designed CentroArts, and now this work is adapted to the current version of the engine DLE. Unique and unrepeatable visual design of the main page only spur the interest of users to view publications. It is important to take into account the fact that the template will look perfect in any browser, because the pattern is universal and width, you can customize yourself. If you want to create your creative and modern site is your best choice would be a template for DLE. The width of the universal template for DLE fixed, making it much easier to work on monitors of different screen resolutions. This is an adaptation from the ninth version of me was made a couple of nice little changes
Author: CentroArts
Template Type: RIP
Version DLE: 10.3
Tested: Opera, Mozilla, Safari, IE 6-7-8
Options: tpl, css, img
Size: ~ 750 Kb

Download Hen Template For DLE 10.3 English

Passwors Rar:

FilmShare Template For DLE 10.3 English

Template was 3 x variations, but I just stumbled on the blue, he told me do not really like so I redrew everything in red. The template has a couple of joints and imperfections, because I do not have the experience to rip and this is my first rip, but I think galavastye find and solve the problem. Template structurally simple and suitable for warez resources, but still the old pattern is unlikely that someone has now uses is a very good template to show the search engine that you have a unique resource with a unique design. All his work is performed at a high level, and they use a minimum image, the code is clean and fully literate. The width of the pattern is static. The template can be easily put on the sites with the subject kinoportal (movie), gaming, in order to design a template allows you to do it. Excellent example could serve as a template FilmShare for DLE 10.3 English on the subject of cinema.
Author: Alex768
Template Type: RIP
Version DLE: 10.3
Tested: Opera, IE, Mozilla
Options: tpl, css, img, js
Size: ~ 220 Kb

Download FilmShare Template For DLE 10.3 English

mercredi 10 septembre 2014

Protection links in comments DLE English

Protection links in comments DLE English
Hack Protection links in comments DLE
After applying this hack if a user leaves a comment with a link, the comment will be sent for moderation with proper notification user, otherwise it will be added soon. For moderation will not go away on users with 1-3 groups (administrators, editors and journalists).

1 Open File engine/modules/addcomments.php and find:
if( $update_comments ) {
$comments = $db->safesql( $row['text'] ) . "<br /><br />" . $db->safesql( $comments );


Add above:
if( preg_match ("/href|url|http|www|\.ru|\.com|\.net|\.info|\.org|\.ua/i", $comments) AND ($member_id['user_group'] > 3) ) {
if( $update_comments ) {
if( $row['approve'] ) $update_comments = false;
$where_approve = 0;
$stop[] = $lang['news_err_31'];
msgbox( $lang['all_info'], implode( "<br />", $stop ) . "<br /><br /><a href=\"javascript:history.go(-1)\">" . $lang['all_prev'] . "</a>" );

Version DLE: 9.x-10.x
Author: Vitnet

dimanche 7 septembre 2014

Upgrade Templates from DLE 10.2 to 10.3

In this tutorial we will show you step by step to upgrade Templates from DLE 10.2 to 10.3

1) Download package and upload to your server /templates/YOUR-templates/images/ folder
2) Open your templates files: comments.tpl, pm.tpl, registration.tpl, searchresult.tpl, userinfo.tpl and remove the tag {icq} from those theme files
3) Open your-templates/frame.css

Find and remove:

#file-uploader {
min-height: 50px;
#flash-uploader {
min-height: 50px;

.qq-upload-drop-area {
position:absolute; top:0; left:0; width:100%; height:100%; min-height: 50px; z-index:2;
background:#FF9797; text-align:center;
.qq-upload-drop-area {
position:absolute; top:0; left:0; width:100%; height:100%; z-index:2;
background:#FF9797; text-align:center;
4) Open your-theme/login.tpl
<li class="lfield lfchek"><input type="checkbox" name="login_not_save" id="login_not_save" value="1"/><label for="login_not_save"> Do not save me</label></li>

Add below:
<li class="lfield lfchek">
<div class="sociallogin">
[vk]<a href="{vk_url}" target="_blank"><img src="{THEME}/images/social/vkontakte.gif" /></a>[/vk]
[odnoklassniki]<a href="{odnoklassniki_url}" target="_blank"><img src="{THEME}/images/social/odnoklassniki.gif" /></a>[/odnoklassniki]
[facebook]<a href="{facebook_url}" target="_blank"><img src="{THEME}/images/social/facebook.gif" /></a>[/facebook]
[mailru]<a href="{mailru_url}" target="_blank"><img src="{THEME}/images/social/mailru.gif" /></a>[/mailru]
[yandex]<a href="{yandex_url}" target="_blank"><img src="{THEME}/images/social/yandex.gif" /></a>[/yandex]
[google]<a href="{google_url}" target="_blank"><img src="{THEME}/images/social/google.gif" /></a>[/google]

5) Open theme file poll.tpl
doPoll('vote'); return false;
doPoll('vote', '{news-id}'); return false;
doPoll('results'); return false;
doPoll('results', '{news-id}'); return false;
6) Open theme file userinfo.tpl

<td class="label">Avatar:</td>
<td>Upload from your computer: <input type="file" name="image" class="f_input" /><br /><br />
Use avatar from <a href="" target="_blank">Gravatar</a>: <input type="text" name="gravatar" value="{gravatar}" class="f_input" /> (Enter your E-mail on
<br /><br /><div class="checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="del_foto" id="del_foto" value="yes" /> <label for="del_foto">Delete current avatar</label></div>


<td class="label">My Local Time Zone:</td>

samedi 6 septembre 2014


Datalife Engine 10.3  English
Datalife Engine 10.3 Final English

Here is the new version of our script DataLife Engine v.10.3. In this release, the possibility of waiting for you to login using social networks, new opportunities to create multiple thumbnails of uploaded images, new possibilities for the time zone settings for both the server and for each individual user, and much more, but everything more
Download Datalife Engine 10.3 Final English_utf8
Download Datalife Engine 10.3 Final English_windows-1251
Rar Password:

lundi 1 septembre 2014

Hack statistics for DataLife Engine using Google Charts

New graphic statistics for DataLife Engine using Google Charts.


Open the file templates / stats.tpl and paste anywhere:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
google.load("visualization", "1", {packages:["corechart"]});
function drawChart() {
var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
['Element', 'Number'],
['Total', {news_num}],
['Home', {news_main}],
['Moderated', {news_moder}],
['Month', {news_month}],
['Week', {news_week}],
['One day', {news_day}]

var options = {
legend: 'none',
title: 'News',
width: 715,
height: 400

var chart = new google.visualization.ColumnChart(document.getElementById('news-stats'));
chart.draw(data, options);

google.load("visualization", "2", {packages:["corechart"]});
function drawChart2() {
var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
['Element', 'Number'],
['Total', {user_num}],
['Banned', {user_banned}],
['Month', {user_month}],
['Week', {user_week}],
['One day', {user_day}]

var options = {
legend: 'none',
title: 'Community',
width: 715,
height: 400

var chart = new google.visualization.ColumnChart(document.getElementById('user-stats'));
chart.draw(data, options);

google.load("visualization", "3", {packages:["corechart"]});
function drawChart3() {
var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
['Element', 'Number'],
['Total', {comm_num}],
['Month', {comm_month}],
['Week', {comm_week}],
['One day', {comm_day}]

var options = {
legend: 'none',
title: 'Comments',
width: 715,
height: 400

var chart = new google.visualization.ColumnChart(document.getElementById('comm-stats'));
chart.draw(data, options);

<div id="news-stats"></div>
<div id="user-stats"></div>
<div id="comm-stats"></div>

FilmShare Template For DLE 10.2 English

Template was 3 x variations, but I just stumbled on the blue, he told me do not really like so I redrew everything in red. The template has a couple of joints and imperfections, because I do not have the experience to rip and this is my first rip, but I think galavastye find and solve the problem. Template structurally simple and suitable for warez resources, but still the old pattern is unlikely that someone has now uses is a very good template to show the search engine that you have a unique resource with a unique design. All his work is performed at a high level, and they use a minimum image, the code is clean and fully literate. The width of the pattern is static. The template can be easily put on the sites with the subject kinoportal (movie), gaming, in order to design a template allows you to do it. Excellent example could serve as a template FilmShare for DLE 10.2 English on the subject of cinema.
Author: Alex768
Template Type: RIP
Version DLE: 10.1 / 10.2
Tested: Opera, IE, Mozilla
Options: tpl, css, img, js
Size: ~ 220 Kb
Translate: Mika

Download FilmShare Template For DLE 10.2 English

samedi 30 août 2014



A good solution for news or personal blog. Extra News Blogger Template is a new Blogger Magazine with responsive design and beautiful look. Is perfect choice for newspaper, magazine, editorial, personal blog etc…


vendredi 29 août 2014


Mega mag blogger template is a another beautiful modern blogger template. its clean and fresh style responsive blogger design and high user friendly blogger template.This theme perfect for news, magazine and personal websites.



Module set of smileys DLE English

Simple module to display a set of emoticons that you can use on the site. Inserted into the message, in correspondence with another user on the site, comments, news. With the module comes bundled six sets of emoticons.

List of packs with smiles:
1: Nya Smiles
2: TrollFace Smiles
3: Angel & Demon Smiles
4: Rokey Smiles
5: Rolk Smiles
6: Vector Anime Smiles

You can think of many places where to use it.
And also have the opportunity to enhance their smile, for this there is a configuration in which you can enter a separate directory.

Before installing read the file install.html - detailed information about the installation and module.

Version: 1.0
Released: 12/08/2014
Author module: leparkour

Download Module set of smileys DLE English

Hak Tags H2 H3 H4 (DLE English)

Not to write every time hands tags and it was decided to add them to the BB panel, so that when you select text and press the button, the selected piece to wrap the tag.


1) We go in the engine/classes/parse.class.php and find:
if ($count_start AND $count_start == $count_end) $source = str_ireplace( "[b]", "<b>", str_ireplace( "[/b]", "</b>", $source ) );

The following set:
$count_start = substr_count ($source, "[H2]");
$count_end = substr_count ($source, "[/H2]");

if ($count_start AND $count_start == $count_end) $source = str_ireplace( "[H2]", "<H2>", str_ireplace( "[/H2]", "</H2>", $source ) );

$count_start = substr_count ($source, "[H3]");
$count_end = substr_count ($source, "[/H3]");

if ($count_start AND $count_start == $count_end) $source = str_ireplace( "[H3]", "<H3>", str_ireplace( "[/H3]", "</H3>", $source ) );

$count_start = substr_count ($source, "[H4]");
$count_end = substr_count ($source, "[/H4]");

if ($count_start AND $count_start == $count_end) $source = str_ireplace( "[H4]", "<H4>", str_ireplace( "[/H4]", "</H4>", $source ) );

2. In the File engine/modules/bbcode.php find:
<b id="b_ol" class="bb-btn" onclick="tag_list('ol')" title="{$lang['bb_t_list2']}">{$lang['bb_t_list2']}</b>
<span class="bb-sep">|</span>

And put the following:
<div id="b_h2" class="editor_button" onclick="simpletag('H2')">H2</div>

<span class="bb-sep">|</span>
<div id="b_h3" class="editor_button" onclick="simpletag('H3')">H3</div>

<span class="bb-sep">|</span>
<div id="b_h4" class="editor_button" onclick="simpletag('H4')">H4</div>

3. Next go to the engine/ajax/bbcode.php find:
<b id="b_ol" class="bb-btn" onclick="tag_list('ol')" title="$lang[bb_t_list2]">$lang[bb_t_list2]</b>
<span class="bb-sep">|</span>

And put the following:
<div id="b_h2" class="editor_button" onclick="simpletag('H2')">H2</div>

<span class="bb-sep">|</span>
<div id="b_h3" class="editor_button" onclick="simpletag('H3')">H3</div>

<span class="bb-sep">|</span>
<div id="b_h4" class="editor_button" onclick="simpletag('H4')">H4</div>

4. To connect to the admin area codes need to go to the engine/inc/include/inserttag.php find:
<div id="b_ol" class="editor_button" onclick="tag_list('ol')"><img title="$lang[bb_t_list2]" src="engine/skins/bbcodes/images/ol.gif" width="23" height="25"></div>
<div class="editor_button"><img src="engine/skins/bbcodes/images/brkspace.gif" width="5" height="25"></div>

The following is inserted:
<div id="b_h2" class="editor_button" onclick="simpletag('H2')">H2</div>

<div class="editor_button"><img src="engine/skins/bbcodes/images/brkspace.gif" width="5" height="25"></div>
<div id="b_h3" class="editor_button" onclick="simpletag('H3')">H3</div>

<div class="editor_button"><img src="engine/skins/bbcodes/images/brkspace.gif" width="5" height="25"></div>
<div id="b_h4" class="editor_button" onclick="simpletag('H4')">H4</div>

Now, in any connected to the site .css file insert:
#b_h2 {
cursor: pointer;
width: 23px;
float: left;
margin: 3px 0px 0px 5px;

#b_h3 {
cursor: pointer;
width: 23px;
float: left;
margin: 3px 0px 0px 5px;

#b_h4 {
cursor: pointer;
width: 23px;
float: left;
margin: 3px 0px 0px 5px;

jeudi 28 août 2014

SOKAR Template For DLE 10.2 English

SOKAR Template For DLE 10.2 English

Sokar template for DLE 10.2 English adapted from a template sokar wordpress. In connection patterns FontAwesome Icons. They can also simply ask to add or edit a template. The design is lightweight, well regarded. The color scheme is chosen properly, and the whole site looks harmonious. If you have already reviewed more than one pattern in the Internet for DLE engine, you probably have noticed that bright stand out among all the other works of its quality and cross-browser layout that is not important enough. Perfect for Blog Well everyone will find himself or what to use it. Layout is beautiful and clean. Just when adaptation was added just a couple of lines of code. I am glad to introduce to you a great and simple template with minimalist Sokar. You will be offered a variety of design options for the home page, so you can perfectly arrange site almost any subject, but especially it is suitable for news sites. If you need other news template for dle, then look at other publications. He also adapted to the latest version of DLE, and for this reason we recommend that you upgrade the engine, because the template for the portal dle on earlier versions will not work stable.

Template type: Adaptation with Wordpress Version DLE: 10.1 / 10.2
Tested: IE, Opera, Chrome, Mozilla
Options: template and instructions
Password Unrar:
Size: ~ 660 kb

Download SOKAR Template For DLE 10.2 English

lundi 25 août 2014

Fully Responsive Dragonfly v1.4.1 Multi-Purpose For Blogger Template

Free Dragonfly v1.4.1 Multi-Purpose Theme For Ghost For Blogger Template

Dragonfly is a Multi-Purpose Theme for Ghost. Idea for Portfolio, Showcase, Personal Blog and Agency … Let’s look at Dragonfly Features help to enhance value for your site.


lundi 30 juin 2014


Datalife Engine 10.2  English
Datalife Engine 10.2 English

Welcome to the new version of our script DataLife Engine 10.2. In this release you expect a brand new control panel DataLife Engine, new opportunities for custom display news for the tag custom, including page navigation for current tag , new opportunities for" module." perekstestnyh links , and much more , but everything. ... more

New Features System:
Completely new control panel script .
Ability to use navigation with user derivation news .
Superior control module cross-references. New features for displaying information in the templates.

UPDATE 02.04.2014
Fixed two files engine / inc / categories.php and engine / modules / show.full.php


Download dle10.2-windows-1251.rar
Download dle10.2-utf8.rar

Upgrade template from 10.1 to 10.2

Installation Screenshots DLE-10.2